January 24, 2022

OLED vs QLED: A Battle of Light and Color

Are you confused about which technology is best for your TV? OLED and QLED are two of the most popular technologies for video displays. They are both good, but they function quite differently from each other. Let’s look at their similarities, differences, and individual strengths and weaknesses.

What is OLED Technology?

OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. In simple words, OLED screens create light by an electric current passing through organic materials, which results in a vivid and bright picture. OLED is known for its deep blacks, bright colors, and wide viewing angles. These are some of the factors that make OLED screens popular.

What is QLED Technology?

QLED stands for Quantum Light Emitting Diode. Unlike OLED, QLED screens work by using a backlight that shines light through a layer of quantum dots which create the picture. QLED TVs are known for their brightness, color accuracy, and longevity.


Both technologies offer excellent picture quality and have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Here's a comparison of OLED and QLED displays:

Viewing Angles

OLED screens offer wider viewing angles compared to QLED screens, as the picture doesn't degrade as much when viewed from the side.

Black Levels

OLED screens produce perfect blacks, making the color contrast strikingly noticeable. QLED screens can produce deep blacks, but not to the extent of OLED screens.


QLED screens produce higher peak brightness levels than OLED screens. They are perfect for display in brightly lit rooms or when watching HDR content.

Color Accuracy

QLED screens have excellent color accuracy that makes colors look vivid, natural, and lifelike. However, OLED screens are superior because they produce more natural-looking colors and black color shades.

Burn-in Risk

OLEDs are more prone to burn-in or permanent retention of images, which can occur when the same image or static picture is displayed for long periods. QLED, on the other side, is resistant to burn-in.

Which One is Best for You?

OLED and QLED technologies are both great options, but it ultimately depends on individual preferences. OLED is perfect for enthusiasts who want perfect colors, deep blacks and don’t mind the higher price tag. QLED, on the other hand, is most suitable for people who want vibrant color brightness levels, display continuity even in bright rooms, and a longer life span.


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